Brand New Readers Summer Fun!
Candlewick Press 2010
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Especially for your Beginning Readers
A lovely board book set perfect for summer reading with your little one. MORE...
This Little Light of Mine
Illustrated by E.B. Lewis
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Songs to Sing Together
Based on the lyrics of the old African American spiritual, this picture book depicts a day in the life of one African American boy as he celebrates his joy with his family and friends. He takes the time to raise the spirits of everyone he meets, and to show the value of his own inner "light". MORE...
Little Rat Makes Music
by Monika Bang-Campbell
Illustrated by Molly Bang
Harcourt Children's Books 2007
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
Little Rat hates to practice but loves to make music with her new violin. The book emphasizes hard work and perseverance. An elegant first chapter book. MORE...
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World
by Selby Beeler
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas
Houghton Mifflin 2001
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Losing Teeth
With clever pictures and very short explanations, your child will go on a trip around the world to find out different traditions about loosing teeth. For example, in Egypt, the children throw their teeth on the sun and in Botswana, they throw their teeth on the roof. The whimsical illustrations will add humor and delight to these tales. MORE...
Mooove Over! A Book About Counting by Twos
by Karen Magnuson Beil
Illustrated by Paul Meisel
Holiday House 2004
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Counting Books
A trolley driver tries to keep a count of his animal passengers two by two until a crazy cow cuts the line and tells everyone to mooove over. So what does the driver do with this impossible cow? MORE...
The Umbrella
by Jan Brett
Putnam Juvenile 2004
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
In a story format, Jan Brett gives us a glimpse of the life in the Monteverde Rainforest in Costa Rica where animals and birds appear and disappear, especially the resplendent quetzal with his tail plumes. MORE...
You Be Mommy
by Karla Clark
Illustrated by Zoe Persico
Feiwel and Friends 2020
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Bedtime Reading
Topic: Poems and Rhymes
Topic: Books You'll Want to Give as Gifts to Everyone
A clever rhyming story about a mother pretending to be a little girl and changing roles after a hard day’s work. A perfect story to read together and to actively role play. MORE...
Chameleon, Chameleon
by Joy Cowley
Illustrated by Nic Bishop
Scholastic Press 2005
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
The bold vivid photographs and elegant layout make this book a visual delight. A colorful chameleon wakes up hungry in his tree home and sets out to find a juicy treat. Along the way, he encounters geckos, a tiny frog and a scorpion and more. The story, with just a few words, will capture your beginning readers. MORE...
Q is for Duck: An Alphabet Guessing Game
by Michael FolsomMary Elting
Illustrated by Jack Kent
Clarion Books 2005
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: ABC Books
A is for Zoo. Why? Because Animals live in the zoo. Thus begins this clever alphabet book with 26 riddles for your kids to figure out while they get acquainted with the alphabet. In addition, they will also learn some interesting facts about animals. MORE...
Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears
by Emily Gravett
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing 2007
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
Little Mouse is afraid of everything, and records her fears in this journal. In fact, each page has space for the reader to record his fears as well. MORE...
Paper Planes
by Jim Helmore
Illustrated by Richard Jones
Peachtree Publishing co. 2020
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
Mia and Ben are good friends who enjoy making paper planes and flying them across a lake until Ben moves away and the game suddenly shrivels up and stops. The paper planes won’t fly. One night Mia dreams of birds in the sky and wakes to find a package from Ben. He needs her help to finish the project. The two realize that their friendship can continue forever because now their planes can fly to faraway places where each of them lives. What a great book to give to a friend who is moving far away from your child. MORE...
Houndsley and Catina: Plink and Plunk
by James Howe
Illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay
Candlewick Press 2010
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
In the best tradition of first chapter books like Henry and Mudge, Frog and Toad, and Mr. Putter and Tabby, Houndsley the dog and Catina the cat are special friends who love to ride bikes and ride in a boat. But they have a dilemma: Houndsley doesn't ride a bike, and Catina is afraid of water because she can't swim. Luckily, their bird friend helps them solve the puzzle. MORE...
Prehistoric Actual Size
by Steven Jenkins
Houghton Mifflin 2005
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
With vivid torn paper collages, Steve Jenkins shows us what prehistoric creatures or part of them may have looked like in actual size. This especially would be intriguing to young paleontologists. MORE...
What Pete Ate A - Z
by Maria Kalman
Puffin Books 2003
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: ABC Books
This book will engage your child! Pete first ate "an accordian. All of it!" Then this dog devours such things as "Mrs. Parsley's pink Pocketbook", "a stinky sneaker" and yes, even "underpants". But he is still loved, "Quite a lot". MORE...
Trevor's Wiggly-Wobbly Tooth
by Lester L. Laminack
Illustrated by Kathi Garry McCord
Peachtree Publishers 2002
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Losing Teeth
In school, Trevor's friends who have all lost some teeth try to give him advice on how to pull out his loose tooth so he can join their club. Soon his grandmother comes to school to make taffy with the children and you will laugh when you see whose teeth also fall out besides Trevor's loose tooth. MORE...
What Do the Fairies Do With All Those Teeth?
by Michel Luppens
Illustrated by Phillipe Beha
Firefly Books Ltd 1996
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Losing Teeth
Just what do fairies do with all their tiny teeth? Do they put them inside maracas or do they make their own tooth necklaces? Your child will surely have his own ideas after reading this story which was translated from French. MORE...
Piggy and Dad: Brand New Readers
by David Martin
Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz
Candlewick Press 2001
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Especially for your Beginning Readers
This book is part of a series meant for beginning readers. Each short story is a repetitive pattern but ends with a funny punch line. Encourages each child to read on their own. MORE...
If You Decide to Go to the Moon
by Faith Mcnulty
Illustrated by Steven Kellogg
Scholastic Press 2005
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
In this thrilling introduction to space travel, the author combines science with how one feels in space- "very alone". Kellogg's mixed media illustrations emphasize the spectacular vastness of our universe and immense quantity of space and moonscapes. MORE...
I Spy Shapes In Art
by Lucy Micklethwait
Greenwillow 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Counting Books
Each of the 14 magnificent paintings in this book have a different shape for you to find- circles, rectangles, triangles, cubes, cylinders, spheres, etc. What a glorious way to introduce artists like Georgia O'Keeffe, Henry Matisse, and M.C. Escher. MORE...
Zoo In the Sky: A Book of Animal Constellations
by Jacqueline Mitton
National Geographic Children's Books 1998
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Informational Books
A gorgeous introduction to astronomy with metallic stars that outline the constellations. This attractive book with poetic descriptions can also be used as an introduction to mythology. Additional information is added to the back pages. MORE...
Raining Cats and Dogs
by Will Moses
Philomel Books 2008
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
Children often wonder why someone "gets in a pickle," or "has cold feet." In trademark folk art style, Will Moses sheds some light on these wonderful sayings. A book that is especially worthwhile for children who are learning the language as well as those who are fascinated with interesting sayings. For example, "Feeling Blue means: Feeling sad. Just thinking about six more weeks of winter had poor old Ben and his cat and dog - and mouse - feeling blue." MORE...
Hardworking Puppies
by Lynn Reiser
Harcourt Children's Books 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Counting Books
Ten energetic dogs help people in different ways, including rescuing people in water, pulling sleds, sniffing for security in airports and best of all, becoming an obedient puppy for a little boy. A wonderful introduction to subtraction. MORE...
Tree-Ring Circus
by Adam Rex
Harcourt Children's Books 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Counting Books
In this cumulative tale, a tree grows out of a seed and becomes a hiding place for all animals until a runaway elephant and a circus clown come to visit and a catastrophe happens. MORE...
Dear Tooth Fairy
by Karen Gray Ruelle
Holiday House 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Losing Teeth
When her tooth becomes loose, Emily tries to help it come out by biting into apples and eating peanut butter. She also writes letters to the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy writes back to her and even draws a picture of herself. MORE...
Annie and Snowball and the Cozy Nest
by Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by Sucie Stevenson
Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers 2009
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
Annie can't wait to show her new cousin the nest full of baby birds. This is a wonderful first chapter book for children who are beginning to read. MORE...
Grandfather's Journey
by Allen Say
Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books 1993
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Life in Other Countries
No matter which country you came from, this book will ring true in your heart, for you will always have one foot in one place and long for the other. "The funny thing is, the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the other." It is the same feeling that Pearl Buck wrote about in her novel, My Several Worlds. MORE...
by Uri Shulevitz
Square Fish 2004
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
Uri Shulevitz' playful depiction of a snowy day and the transformation of a city is perfectly captured in simple, poetic text and lively watercolor and pen-and-ink illustrations. MORE...
by Uri Shulevitz
Illustrated by Uri Shulevitz
Farrah, Straus and Giroux 2013
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Books without Words
Topic: Books You'll Want to Give as Gifts to Everyone
A picture book by Caldecott award winning illustrator, Uri Shulevitz, that incorporates the lights at dusk during the holiday season. It is enjoyed by parents and children alike. See also Dawn by Uri Shulevitz. MORE...
Let's Play Baseball
by Charles R. Smith Jr.
Illustrated by Terry Widener
Candlewick 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Books about Sports
In this super sturdy picture book with just a few words, a baseball tries to talk to a little boy about wishing he would take him outside to play. "Throw me, catch me," "Pitch me, into the wind." MORE...
Animal Gallery
by Brian Wildsmith
Candlewick Studio 2020
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Books You'll Want to Give as Gifts to Everyone
Topic: Informational Books
Everyone should have a Brian Wildsmith book in their house. When this renowned artist draws animals so exquisitely, the reader comes to appreciate the beauty of nature. In this book you learn not just about animals, but different ways of naming a group of them. MORE...
That Is Not a Good Idea!
by Mo Willems
Balzer + Bray 2013
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Bedtime Reading
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
An interactive tale that grasps the child’s attention as he replies “it is not a good idea!” every other page. Each page builds suspense as the fox lures the goose to his home for supper. The tale ends with a twist that keeps children entertained and will make them want to read over and over again. MORE...
Watch Me Throw the Ball! An Elephant & Piggie Book
by Mo Willems
Hyperion Books for Children 2009
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Especially for your Beginning Readers
Piggie tells Elephant that he can throw his ball all around the world, but Elephant doesn't believe him. In typical, appealing Mo Willems fashion, the words in this book are put in thought bubbles and easy for kids to read. A must for beginning readers. MORE...
Abe Lincoln : The Boy Who Loved Books
by Kay Winters
Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
Aladdin 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Biographies
This excellent first biography of Abraham Lincoln is a real tribute to his love of books and the power of words. A wonderful addition to your home library, especially with the full color illustrations on every page. MORE...
Lali’s Feather
by Farhana Zia
Illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman
Peachtree Publishing Company 2020
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Great Read Alouds: Stories You Won't Want to Miss
Lali finds a feather and tries to match it to the birds in her yard like the rooster, the crow, and the peacock. But none of them fit. She decides to keep the feather and uses it in creative ways like to make her sister sneeze or tickle some toes. Good for ages 4-8. Good addition to Emily Dickinson’s poem “Hope” is the thing with feathers. MORE...