Book Suggestions
Learning about the lives of others and what made them courageous and brave is important to school age children
Hooray for Inventors!
Illustrated by Marcia Williams
Candlewick Press 2005
Ages: 7 to 10
Topic: Biographies
In a creative, artistic comic book style, Marcia Williams spotlights inventors of the airplane, lightbulb, cosmetics and even the band aid. An index of inventors and inventions appears at the end. This format would fascinate those learning English MORE...
Eleanor, Quiet No More: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt
by Doreen Rappaport
Illustrated by Gary Kelley
Hyperion Books for Children 2009
Ages: 7 to 10
Topic: Biographies
With fascinating quotes from diaries, Doreen Rappaport in her elegant style writes a biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, whose life was a beacon for women everywhere. "We must be able to disagree and to consider new ideas and not be afraid." With important dates, selected research sources, and interesting facts, this biography should be the first introduction to this great lady. MORE...
Abe Lincoln : The Boy Who Loved Books
by Kay Winters
Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
Aladdin 2006
Ages: 5 to 7
Topic: Biographies
This excellent first biography of Abraham Lincoln is a real tribute to his love of books and the power of words. A wonderful addition to your home library, especially with the full color illustrations on every page. MORE...